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thank you for you visit. Students from Rockmount Primary school came to visit us this week. They took part in activities within the art and design and technology. We really enjoyed having you.— Harris Beulah Hill () July 13, 2023


Transfer Evening at .We are proud of the achievements of students at our school. Looking forward to becoming Harris Academy Beulah Hill in September 2023— Harris Beulah Hill () June 13, 2023


Lovely evening for footie ⚽️ Year 10 fixture. Shoutout to Mr Goldsmith our headteacher cheering the lads on from the sidelines!— Harris Beulah Hill () May 18, 2023


Resilience assembly with our year 10s delivered by Presence. Inspirational— Harris Beulah Hill () May 17, 2023


Students and staff enjoyed a meal fit for a King today— Harris Beulah Hill () May 6, 2023


Beulah Hill academy’s eco centre takes lessons into the woods ⁩ ⁦⁩ ⁦⁩ ⁦— Inside Croydon () May 3, 2023


Beulah Hill academy’s eco centre takes lessons into the woods ⁩ ⁦⁩ ⁦⁩ ⁦— Inside Croydon () May 3, 2023


On Friday, a selection of our scholars participated in the 2023 Robotics Challenge. They were awarded best first timers for resilience and meticulousness in their approach to assembling their robots. We are extremely proud of our students. Well done also to Mr Rusecki!— Harris Beulah Hill () May 3, 2023


We are pleased to share that we are a Shakespeare Gold School! Our staff and students are very proud of this achievement made possible by the tremendous effort of Ms Bryce and the students. A truly remarkable feat!— Harris Beulah Hill () April 22, 2023


Oxygen provides a breath of fresh air for kids’ holiday activities ⁩ ⁦⁩ ⁦⁩ ⁦— Inside Croydon () April 5, 2023


Oxygen provides a breath of fresh air for kids’ holiday activities ⁩ ⁦⁩ ⁦⁩ ⁦— Inside Croydon () April 5, 2023


Of course we had to have the input of our students in naming the area. We are also pleased to be able to recognise the vast amount of work put into this vision by our very own Premises Manager Owain Blake. The HEW-Blake Ecological Centre is now open 3/3— Harris Beulah Hill () March 15, 2023


More scenes from our grand opening today 2/3— Harris Beulah Hill () March 15, 2023


Today we celebrated the grand opening of our Ecological Centre at . We are proud of the work our staff and students have done over the past 18 months to make this a reality. We were delighted to have our visitors from 1/3— Harris Beulah Hill () March 15, 2023


This week our students participated in the Quad Spelling Bee competition. Ms Brissett worked hard with the students to ensure they were thoroughly prepped. Students were delighted to have taken part and are looking forward to the next event— Harris Beulah Hill () March 15, 2023


Thank you for an inspiring session! — Armony () February 10, 2023


Thank you for an inspiring session! — Armony () February 10, 2023


Had a great time. Thank you— Harris Beulah Hill () February 10, 2023


Students in Year 9 show stopper piece. Students even made their own jam!— Harris Beulah Hill () November 16, 2022


Competition time at HASN. Year 9 students working hard on deciding a recipe for their show stopper piece. They were amazing this afternoon. Well done to all the tutor groups who took part 🎉🎉🎉🎉— Harris Beulah Hill () November 16, 2022

Harris Academies
All Academies in our Federation aim to transform the lives of the students they serve by bringing about rapid improvement in examination results, personal development and aspiration.

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Working in partnership with Innovate Catering, Harris Academy Beulah Hill is committed to providing a range of nutritious and affordable meals on a daily basis. 

Break Times: There are a range of snacks and drinks available from the canteen at break times both hot and cold. Please see the full tariff by clicking on the quick link to the left of the page.

Lunch times: There are always three main courses on the lunch time menu as well as a range of sandwiches and a salad bar. The daily Meal Deal can be bought for a cost of £2.33 and includes the main meal or vegetarian option plus a small drink or a pudding.

This terms menu can be found below:

Spring Menu 2022


Free School Meals

If you are claiming certain benefits then you may be entitled to claim a free school meal allowance for your child. This is a benefit that is worth over £400 a year to you and a funding benefit for the academy. We would therefore urge you to claim should you think you are entitled.

The easiest way to check is to visit the London Grid for Learning Free School Meal Eligibility Checker which can be found by following the link below:


If you are eligible please can you download the certificate and send it to us. We will then make sure that your child receives the benefit that they are entitled to.


We are a cashless Academy so parents / carers will need to only use our e-payment method to pay for dinner money, trips, music lessons etc . This can be done online using a very secure website called ParentPay . ParentPay holds an electronic record of your payments to view at a later date.

Already have a ParentPay account?
If you already have a ParentPay account, either with the Academy or another ParentPay school, you can simply login to that account and add your other children via the Add a child tab on your home page. You will need the username and password below to do this.

New to ParentPay?
Activate your account using the username and password below. You will be prompted to change these and to keep them safe and secure as your Username and Password for future logins. If you have two or more children at a ParentPay school, you only need to activate one account to create your ‘main account' and then add your other children via the Add a child tab on your home page.

Please visit and activate your account via the Account login area on the home page of the site.Once you have activated your account you can make online payments straight away.

Cash Payments

The Academy does not accept cash payments for the canteen, trips or other items but if this is your preferred option we can provide you with a bar code that you can use  at local stores where you see the PayPoint logo. You will still be able to see your balances via Parent Pay if you use this method.

Catering at this academy

The catering service is provided by Innovate Catering, part of the Compass Group.  Innovate Catering are a well-established and experienced school caterer.  The service is provided under contract with Harris Federation.


7eca425d d849 4b55 8fab 68fb3ec73500A typical lunchtime food offering

A typical lunchtime food offering

This link provides details of the current lunchtime menu service which you can see runs on a three weekly menu cycle.

Our menu has been created after extensive research into student preferences; it is also nutritious and compliant with all government guidelines.

The menu aims to offer more of what students want, including good food that can be eaten on the go as well as themed days to coincide with key dates such as Pancake Day, Burns Night, Diwali, etc.

The catering service includes an offering for breakfast, mid-morning break and lunch.


8d7c89e0 2a53 480f 9e71 577b324afd8bA typical grab 'n' go food and drink offering

A typical grab 'n' go food and drink offering

The current tariff pricing is available in this link and demonstrates the full range of food and drink which is available.

The academy uses a cashless catering system for the food and drink purchases.

Here is a link to the Eatwell Guide (from Public Health England) – this provides a useful overview of what food groups make up a balanced and healthy diet.

If your child has a special diet and/or certain food intolerances, then we have a special diet procedure which contains a form for the parent/carer to complete and return – link here.

Your child may be entitled to free school meals. Even if your child does not wish to eat free school meals, but is entitled to them, it's worth applying because for each child entitled to free school meals the Academy could receive funding to help with tuition, resources, coaching and extra assistance. Find out if your child is entitled to free school meals by accessing this link. The meal value is £2.33.


Help and Assistance

Please contact Ms Atas,, if you need any assistance with any of the above.

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