Welcome to our Homework page 
At HABH we recognise and value the importance of meaningful homework in developing scholarship. We believe homework should provide students with the following opportunities:
- To embed knowledge: Consolidate learning that has taken place in the classroom through revision/ retrieval of key knowledge: quizzing/ questions based on a previous topic.
- To extend knowledge: Post lesson reading/ research to add breadth to their existing knowledge. Refine work from the classroom based on feedback from the teacher.
- To apply knowledge: Use learning from the classroom to complete a deliberate practice task e.g. responding to an essay question based on content covered in a lesson.
Weekly homework is set in lessons as well as online through Teams. Weekly Homework
Click here for support on how to log into Teams
If you require additional support with Teams, please contact Ms Hudson (A.Hudson@harrisbeulahhill.org.uk) with the following details – Your name, Child’s name, year group and issue
To access Teams, students should use their school credentials. Click here for support on how to log into Teams.
Teachers will set assignments, quizzes and/or spelling tests, research, etc.
Teachers will advise whether any attachments to homework tasks need to be printed or not and students can always use the Academy library facilities to print. If there are any issues with printing, teachers will provide paper copies. If a handout was already given out in class, then the teacher will have mentioned this on the assignment on Teams. Homework club is in the LRC every day after school.